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Veda Vidya - Vedas to Vedaangas
Introduction to the Vedic Literature
Introduction, meaning of the word "Veda" and timeline (7:26)
Samhitaa (3:59)
Vedic Literature (2:33)
The Oral Tradition (3:55)
Essentials of the Veda-s (19:21)
Rigveda - Introduction (6:30)
Mandala-s & Rishi-s (7:48)
Rigveda Recitation (2:43)
The Deities of the Rigveda (36:25)
The Essentials of the Rigveda (11:54)
Yajurveda & Its Branches (5:56)
Yajnya (23:58)
Vidhi & Arthavada (8:31)
Patra-Parichay (13:50)
Material Aspects (6:42)
Yajnavedi (6:15)
Saamveda (7:38)
Expanse & Spread (2:52)
The Structure of the Saamveda (6:28)
Svara & Gaatraveena (8:45)
Panch & Sapt Vidha Saama (11:52)
Vikara-s (12:20)
Creative Aspects (14:32)
Samana & Samagana (15:02)
Conclusion (2:22)
Atharva Veda
What is Atharvaveda (9:36)
Themes of Atharvaveda (19:37)
Sukta-s (8:02)
Abhichaara (9:40)
Braahmana-s and Aaranyaka-s
Braahmana Texts (11:47)
Stories from the Braahmana Texts (6:59)
Aaranyaka-s (2:57)
General Introduction (6:30)
Composition, Structural Features and Number of Upanishads (10:12)
Jiva, Jagat and Brahman (8:43)
Yama-Nachiketa Story, and Discussion on the fear of Death (17:43)
Aruni-Shwetaketu Samwaada and Discussion on Atman (10:16)
Summary (2:37)
Shiksha Vedaanga (14:58)
Kalpa Vedaanga (24:16)
Vyaakarana Vedaanga (16:21)
Nirukta Vedaanga (6:19)
Chhandas (3:51)
Jyotisha Vedaanga (16:00)
Mantra Pathan - A Glimpse of the Oral Tradition
Mantra Pathan (21:24)
Glimpses of a Yajna
Ishti (128:17)
Ved Paathashaalaa - Vedic Learning in today's age
A visit to "Pune Veda Paathashaala" (15:50)
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